Alcohol use disorder, generally referred to as alcoholism, is a medical condition. Although it may begin with a person making a willful choice to drink, the brain changes as a result of prolonged alcohol misuse. When someone suffers from an alcohol use disorder, some signs and symptoms will be noticeable. These include:
Continued drinking even after they are inebriated.
Difficulty cutting down on drinking.
The inability to stop drinking.
Life spirals out of control due to alcohol.
Taking risks when under the influence.
Experiencing withdrawals after not drinking for hours.
Drinking more to get the same “high” as before.
Often, people with mental health conditions will turn to drinking as a way to cope with their problems. This type of self-medicating only leads to greater distress because alcohol doesn’t treat the underlying mental health disorder. Consequently, mental health and alcohol use disorders should be treated in tandem to ensure you get to the root of the issue and avoid relapsing.
Alcoholism in Veterans
Veteran populations are at greater risk for all types of substance abuse, including alcohol addiction. This is largely due to their position as military personnel and the unique challenges and stresses posed by combat and reintegration into civilian life. Veterans are more susceptible to addiction issues due to the following reasons:
Combat exposure.
Post-deployment civilian reintegration difficulties.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
In addition, some veterans have secondary factors that lead to alcoholism, such as past childhood abuse and trauma.
Studies show that alcoholism in veterans is a prescient and growing concern.
It is estimated that over one in ten veterans struggle with an addiction.
Alcohol is a common problematic substance for veterans, with approximately 10.5% of male veterans and 4.8% of female veterans struggling with alcohol use disorder.
Alcohol was also linked to 20% of risky behaviors that led to deaths among veterans. This is highlighted by the fact that more than one in three military personnel are defined as hazardous drinkers, where are 5.4% qualify as heavy drinkers.
Alcohol Abuse & Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders
Co-occurring mental health disorders often increase the risks of veterans developing an alcohol use disorder. While common mental health disorders like depression or anxiety can cause people to seek alcohol as a way to cope, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common condition affecting veterans that can increase the risk of alcoholism. Statistics show that one in three veterans who sought alcoholism treatment also struggled with PTSD.
PTSD is a mental health condition that occurs in people after they witness or experience a traumatic event. For military personnel, these events could involve anything from seeing people killed to feeling the earth shake when a bomb explodes. PTSD can manifest in veterans during service and during civilian life. Common symptoms of PTSD include:
Recurring nightmares about incidents that occurred.
Difficulty sleeping.
Feeling on edge.
Homeless veterans have an even greater risk of co-occurring disorders, such as a mental illness and an alcohol use disorder. Finally, depression is also linked to substance use in veterans. All of the traumatic events in which veterans are exposed can lead to depression.
Impacts of Alcoholism on Veterans
When left untreated, alcoholism has a detrimental effect on anyone, but it’s especially harmful to veterans. With all the difficulties they have gone through, especially if they’ve been in combat, alcoholism only worsens their condition. Research indicates there is a link between veterans who have experienced trauma during the military with alcohol use.
Alcoholism among veterans may lead to homelessness, too. However, the research is still unclear; some data suggests that homelessness may lead veterans to developing an alcohol use disorder. Either way, there is a link between homeless veterans and various substance use and alcohol use disorders.
Alcoholism in veterans is also linked to an increased risk of suicide. About 30% of suicides and 45% of attempts involved either alcohol or drug use.
Signs of Alcohol Abuse & Addiction
If you suspect you or someone you love may have an alcohol use disorder, it’s helpful to know the signs and symptoms. To have an actual diagnosis, you must meet the criteria that are outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). If you have any 2 of the following signs during a 12-month period, it could indicate alcohol use disorder:
Ended up drinking more or longer than you planned.
Have tried to cut down or stop drinking but couldn’t.
Spend a lot of time drinking or getting over the aftereffects of drinking (hangover).
Have cravings to drink.
Discovered that drinking—or being sick from drinking—is interfering with daily responsibilities, such as your job, family, bills, or home.
Didn’t stop drinking even though it causes more trouble with family or friends.
Stopped engaging in pleasurable activities (or cut back on them) in order to drink.
Keep getting into risky situations while or after drinking, such as drunk driving.
Kept drinking even though you feel depressed or anxious doing so.
Need to drink much more to get the same effect as you once had in the beginning.
When the effects of alcohol wear off, you notice withdrawal symptoms, such as insomnia, shakiness, anxiety, moodiness, depression, nausea, restlessness, or sweating.
Honorably discharged Veterans, who qualify, will receive substance abuse treatment services at NO COST. Call Thornton and Associates Veteran Services to speak with one of our Addiction Specialists at (626) 482-3478 for a free, confidential consultation to verify if you qualify.